I am so excited you are here, the fact you are considering positive change and looking for resources to help is the first step!! We reach our goals by taking lots of small steps in the right direction!
Welcome to my brand new website!!! I will be adding resources often, check back frequently for all kinds of goodies to support your journey towards a healthier lifestyle!!
If you have specific questions please don't hesitate to ask. You can email me at coaching@fitbeautyj.com.
I'm Jenn

I am a single mom, daughter, sister, friend, animal lover, fitness model, figure competitor, and holistic health & wellness coach. Having an opportunity to help other amazing women create the life they truly desire fills my heart with overflowing joy! Having the support of a coach during struggles and celebrations has been one of the most valuable life-altering resources in my life.
We put pressure on ourselves to do all the things and do them all perfectly. To take care of everyone and everything else first. The days seem to become full of I SHOULD AND I HAVE TO AND I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME. Before I learned to prioritize myself I felt terribly uncomfortable whenever life slowed down. Doing anything for myself was uncomfortable (to say the least), bringing up feelings of tremendous guilt and shame. I was on the phone handling business while in labor with my son only pausing when it was time to actually deliver him into the world than right back to work with a baby in my arms.
Focusing my attention outward, living life at 100 mph at all times made it easy to ignore my own insecurities, pain, and neglect until life slowed down.
I have been there! It took a great tragedy for me to realize I must make myself a priority. But after I figured this secret out it was clearly a better way! I control how I feel plus I am able to care for my family at a whole nother level!
I want to live a life full of 'I WANT TO' AND 'I WILL' a life I choose every day. This doesn't mean I let my responsibilities go out the window or that life is always sunshine and rainbows. It means I live life on purpose.
No matter where you are at this moment, IT'S PERFECTLY OK! Awareness is the first step to changing anything. I'd love to help you create a life you are deeply in love with and a body you look forward to taking care of. After figuring these life lessons out for myself the hard way, I wanted to grab a loudspeaker and blast my secrets to the world. I want everyone to know we are capable and DESERVING of so much more than survival!!!
Starting is the hardest part which is where I come in, having support and guidance makes starting EASY!!
Keep in mind, you have made tremendous progress by starting your journey (visiting this website), deciding to work with a coach, or even creating a plan to reach your health goals on your own. After a couple of successes, the momentum will keep you forward faster than you can imagine right now.
Small positive shifts + massive action= lasting transformation.
Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching is right for you if...
Feel shame or blame about your body or let it hold you back from living your life fully.
You want to create healthy lifestyle habits but have been struggling on your own.
You have struggled with weight loss or want to improve your relationship with food.
Want a complete approach to improving your overall health, mindset, and wellness. Overall health is more than diet and exercise.
You desire a plan created with you, for YOU! There is no one size fits all.
Want to go beyond the WHAT to determine the true cause, the WHY of your feelings and behaviors creating your current lifestyle.

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